Stephanie williams, D.Min.
Dr. Stephanie Williams is currently the President of Stephanie Williams Ministries, Inc. In previous pastoral ministries, Dr. Williams was the Senior Pastor of the One Deliverance Church, Inc. (Canton, OH) and Associate Pastor at New Morning Star Full Gospel (Canton, OH). She was a Licensed Minister at the House of Lord Church (Akron, OH).
Dr. Williams has a passion for women and the amazing ability of God to heal emotional and spiritual wounds. She has an earned Doctor Degree of Ministry from Ashland Theological Seminary with a specialized tract in spiritual identity formation of young women. Dr. Williams has also earned a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary. Dr. Williams earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Malone University.
As an ordained Pastor, Dr. Williams has facilitated numerous identity formation groups in the community that included Empowered Journey (Domestic Violence Support Group) and Boundary Power. She has trained many in the field of ministry and she has presented in numerous conference that include Power Net of Dayton; Christian Community Development Association (CCDA); Correctional Ministries and Chaplain Association affiliated with Billy Graham Center for Evangelism at Wheaton College.
In addition, Dr. Williams is proudly married to John Williams, Minster of Music. Minister John and Dr. Williams have a joint community ministry that includes Bible Study and mentoring. Dr. Williams is the proud mother of five children and five grandchildren and the daughter and servant of the most High.